I wanted to remind you all that Youth Group will be in-person this Sunday September 13th from 6:00PM to 7:30PM. (Please note the time change so you can pick up your student accordingly).
Our teaching time will be held inside the church, so masks will be required for any time spent in the building to align with church guidelines. Weather permitting, we will have time outside as well. Time in the building will be spent in the sanctuary where we can social distance from one another.
If you are not ready for your student to return, I can make arrangements for them to join the teaching time via Zoom. If you would prefer this option, please contact me and I will send you and your student the link to join.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to me directly. I look forward to this time together and appreciate your continued grace moving forward.
God Bless,
Pastor Andrew